Allegheny Muscle Therapy & Massage
Working with the Muscularskeletal System to Achieve Restoration

Food Inflammation Test

For more information on how to take the blood sample please see the video above

Food Inflammation 176 Test Kit  = $495 ( +$30 Admin Fee)

The Fit Test employs unique methods that detect both IGG antibody and Immune Complexes together to determine the reactivity of each sample against a wide variety of food antigens. KBMO measures what your exposed to and then overlays what causes you inflammation as well, which then that means they zero in on the key foods of interest an eliminate the false positives caused by IGG. Other companies just measure the IGG so only the food you're exposed toYou will receive a report that depicts the results for 132 or 176 foods from common food groups displayed in an easy to read color-coded graph that shows the foods which cause the highest sensitivities, this will then assist the patient and provider with treatment options. The test also includes a Gut Barrier Panel which includes Candida, Zonulin, Occludin and LPS

Food Inflammation Brochure

Please call our office at 724-695-5300 to purchase Food Inflammation Test Kit.